Friday, January 23, 2009

"I'm mellltiiinng..."

I am sure that I will get no sympathy from those at home who keep sending me emails about how cold it is and photos of thermometers registering 0 degrees (Fahrenheit), but I have to tell you that it is hot here. Really hot. And humid. It's 100 degrees right now, and the sun is beating down on all the buildings and pavement and it feels like I am in a pizza oven. (That would sound tasty, as I haven't eaten all day, but it is too freaking hot to want to eat.)

I have spent my day seeking air conditioning. I went first to a movie (Slumdog Millionaire-- fantastic, if a bit hard to watch at times), then to a random hotel and sat in the lounge outside the conference rooms and made phone calls home. Now I am in the state library.

Don't fool yourself that into thinking that there might be books here that I could read to pass the time. No, no, it is not that sort of library. It is a reference library, which means that everything here is dead boring. Example: When waiting for this computer to open up I glanced up at the books on the shelf in front of me. What did I see? The absolutely gripping page-turner that is the Encyclopedia of Consumer Brands, volume 2: Personal Products. I know, it quite likely will have been grabbed off the shelf by the time I finish writing this.

Once the sweat has dried off my body, I will head back out into the heat and make my way home. I'm going to another play this evening. No idea what it is about, nor do I care. All I know is that the theater has AC.

Addendum: It turns out that this was the second hottest day EVER in Sydney, coming it at 41C (that would be 106F). And humid. So I don't care how many emails I get whining about it being cold. It was HOT!

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