Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Australian Food

I don't know if there is a particular food which is supposed to be quintessentially Australian, but if there is, I haven't found it.  I have, however, eaten a few things here which I do not think I am likely to be offered again in the near future.  (Some of them, I would even accept if I were offered them again!)

I have eaten kangaroo.  It seems to be kind of like deer here.  Wild, and a bit of a nuisance, so hunters (farmers) remove them and have some nice lean meat.  It was pretty tasty.

I have eaten emu.  Also wild.  There used to be emu farms, but apparently not anymore.  I had my emu in the form of a meat pie.  While it was better than the nasty Scottish thing I ate in October, I've decided that meat pies aren't really my thing.

I have eaten bread and butter from a cafe for $3.60AU (that's about $2.40 US).  That was for two slices of bread. Not toasted, and the butter was on the table.  That's $1.20 US a slice.  That would be what, about $25 a loaf?  (Needless to say, not the cheapest country, even with the good exchange rate.)

I have eaten a Milky Way bar that was really a Three Musketeers bar (just nougat and chocolate).  I have eaten a Mars bar that was a Milky Way (above with caramel layer).  I have sampled a collection of local chocolate bars (for purely scientific reasons, of course) to see how they compare and contrast with those from home.

I have eaten Sticky Date Pudding.  This is where my blog has served me well, for my Perth hostess read about the Scottish Sticky Toffee Pudding, and how absolutely delighted I was with it (I think ecstatic might be a better word), and decided that she had a recipe that was pretty similar.  And it was.  And it was delicious.  And I was happy.  (And she now clearly ranks as The Hostess with the Mostess!)

I have eaten pink grapefruit gelato.  (Yeah, that was FORCED down my throat.)

Not sure what I'll eat today, but apparently I have to dress for the occasion.  My Aunt (really my mother's cousin, but whatever) is taking me out to dinner and asked if I had a skirt and nice blouse with me.  Yes, I have a skirt.  I can fake the blouse (I have a fairly respectable sweater, and the restaurant has AC, which is good, since it is due to be 102 here today).  But she looked a bit scornfully at my Chacos.  Well, it's them or hiking boots!  (Although in this country, wearing shoes into restaurants appears to be optional.)

Bon appetit for me!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

At a school passport night, I once sampled Vegemite(apparently originally from New Zealand but adopted by Australia)--not something I'd voluntarily eat again. Give me peanut butter, or better yet, almond butter. But give it a try if you get the chance. In the meantime, enjoy your culinary and travel adventures!