Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Best Place, part 2

As if life weren't great enough already here at the Te Nikau Resort, last night there were only two of us in my lodge. I had the downstairs, and Pat (or Jan, or some other cvc name), a 50-something English woman over here to do some WWOOFing (look it up if you don't know what it is), had the upstairs. I put two dunas (alternate spellings: dyne or doona, also known as a duvet or comforter) on the bed, for there was a slight nip in the air, and happily crawled in. The only sound I could hear last night was the ocean.

I was going to get a lift in to the bus at 12:15 today (my bus isn't until 3), and wander about seeing the Pancake Rocks again and maybe walk on a little trail. But when James, the guy who works here and drives people back and forth, suggested not going until 2:30, I agreed heartily.

I bought myself some fresh-baked (still warm) multi-grain bread, took a book (which remained unread), and the rest of the bottle of wine (which, me being me, was still mostly full), and headed down to the beach to have a little picnic and watch the tide come in and go back out again. (Never mind that the sun wasn't yet over the yard arm... I'm on holiday.)

All the while, I kept saying to myself (sometimes out loud), "Life is very, very good."

(This is the first place that I have said to myself that I will DEFINITELY come back to some day. Let me know if you want to join me on the return voyage!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to join you...glad to read you are doing so well! I miss you though!!