Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rain, rain, go away

I had thought that I was being excessive, materialistic, and a bit crazy when I brought so many long shirts and trousers and wool socks to my summer beach haunt, but I am afraid that I was a bit prophetic in my packing. I have been here for two weeks, and I have seen the sun two days, I think. The other days I have been wearing as many clothes as I can, happy that I had purchased some jeans and winter trousers from Beans, which I thought wouldn't be worn until October. Wool socks are a must, and often I throw a scarf on as well. In fact, the other evening (when it was only cold and foggy, not actually raining) I was sitting outside and I noticed I could see my breath. It was June 30th.

The cold and rain is pretty abysmal, I have to say. Two weeks of being house-bound. Not fun in and of itself. Now know that we currently have FIVE dogs in the house (about 350 pounds worth of dog), and FOUR children aged four and under. Aside from the din, the mess, and the diapers, what really is rough is that means I can't use the words I want to use to describe how I feel about the weather.

It @#$^&*! $#*%@s, and that's all I have to say about that.

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