Monday, November 10, 2008

The Real Adventure Begins...

Some of you might say that I've already been having adventures, that my Gap Year/Grand Tour is already underway, but it hasn't really felt like that to me, as I've been staying with family and friends in places that I already know (or can figure out pretty easily). I've been in the first world, and able to leave bits of luggage here and there.

But this evening I fly off to Kenya with all my possessions on my back, and the real adventure begins. (Although I have to admit that I am going to be picked up at the airport by a cousin of a cousin and have two ex-pat contacts in Nairobi with whom I can stay.) My malaria pills are now with my toothbrush, and I have packed everything that I will taking with me for the next 6(ish) months in one large and one small backpack. And as soon as I can get the small backpack INTO the big one, I will! (This summer I saw some lightweight compression backpacks at Patagonia for $100 and couldn't understand why anyone would want that... But now I do!) The grand total weight of my luggage right now is 3.03 stones. That is 42.42 pounds. (And Dickie, even WITH all my luggage I weigh less than your two dogs.)

I have to admit that I am freaking out a bit, and the words "What the f*&# am I doing??" came out of my mouth today. But everyone thus far has been extremely kind and generous, so I'm going to assume that it will continue to be thus. And really, not until I am in Thailand am I totally on my own. So more freaking out will come, I'm sure.

But, as it is cold and peeing with rain at the moment, the idea of going to the equator doesn't seem so bad. So here I go...

Let the wild rumpus start!


Laurie said...

Good luck and safe travel. I've been enjoying your posts, feeling a tad jealous (especially the Paris parts), and look forward to what the next episode of this journey is like.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucie.

It was great fun seeing you yesterday and I've loved reading about your adventures. Have the most amazing time in the next set of countries. I am jealous!! But at least the sun is shining in London today (but it's still cold).

