Friday, December 4, 2009


I was driving back from the post office this afternoon (sending out Christmas cards, of course, because I am just that organized and anal--but only a few cards that needed to be air-mailed. I wouldn't want my friends over here to know how organized and anal I am. It's not like I already have all the envelopes addressed and am just waiting until it is a bit closer to the actual holiday to send them). I passed a house, the small front yard of which was completely filled with a variety of inflatable Christmas decorations (ornamentations? gaudiness? Not sure what those blow-up things are called), only none of them were blown up. They all lay, deflated, strewn about the lawn.

That family brought me quite a bit of joy, only not how they intended to, I suspect.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Frighteningly enough, they are technically called "cold air balloons". Doesn't make them any less stupid or ugly. They are usually used for advertising. Did you see the giant king crab that was consuming a Chinese restaurant in North Hampton several years ago?